The Impossible List
What is an Impossible List?
In short, the impossible list is a list that is used to declare and track goals that benefit yourself and others. The difference between this and a bucket list is this encourages you to tick things off now! A bucket list holds the things we hope to achieve before we die (looking backwards), whereas, an impossible list is something we intentionally strive to complete and extend (looking forwards).

This video explains the concept really well:

To view more detail and evidence for each goal click on the goal itself.
My Current Focusses
Habit & Lifestyle Goals
Fitness & Health Goals
  • Run a 6 minute mile In progress
    Achieved a 6:03 mile in October 2019
    Haven't tried intentionally since, but got a 6:11 mile during a 5k in April 2020. Will look to try again soon.
  • Run a 20 minute 5km
  • Bench press 100kg
  • Deadlift 150kg
  • Squat 100kg
  • Cycle 100km 15th March 2019
    Cycled to the City Church Weekend Away from Arnside (Lancashire) to Blaithewaite House with my friend Matt. 101km taking around 7 hours with breaks. I set off on my bulky Landrover mountain bike with basically no cycling gear- thankfully Matt had a spare road bike that would introduce me into the world of road bikes.
  • Cycle 100miles
  • Cycle 30kmh for 15km
  • Completed the Scotland 500
  • Run a half marathon 7th April 2019
    Vinenna Half Marathon 2019 | 1:56
  • Run a full marathon
  • Complete a half ironman
  • Education & Career Goals
  • Create a business/ profitable project
  • Create a portfolio with 5 *advanced* pieces of work from personal assignment
  • In progress
    1. Interactive Boid's Flock Algorithm Simulator
    2. File Flinger
  • Create a portfolio & CV website In progress
    Using Github pages, like this, to host this webpage. Currently only have an uploaded template but aim to continue developing this. Definitely worthwhile to share my portfolio and experience in a singular place on the internet.
  • Faith Goals
  • Read the Bible in its entirity (Bible in a Year) In progress
    I have studied the Bible a over the past few years with others, however, I haven't studied them myself in its entirity.
    I started the Bible in a Year plan with my friend Chris in August 2020.
    • Genesis
    • Exodus
    • Leviticus
    • Numbers
    • Deuteronomy
    • Joshua
    • Judges
    • Ruth
    • 1 Samuel
    • 2 Samuel
    • 1 Kings
    • 2 Kings
    • 1 Chronicles
    • 2 Chronicles
    • Ezra
    • Nehemiah
    • Esther
    • Job
    • Psalms
    • Proverbs
    • Ecclesiastes
    • Song of Solomon
    • Isaiah
    • Jeremiah
    • Lamentations
    • Ezekiel
    • Daniel
    • Hosea
    • Joel
    • Amos
    • Obadiah
    • Jonah
    • Micah
    • Nahum
    • Habakkuk
    • Zephaniah
    • Haggai
    • Zechariah
    • Malachi
    • Matthew
    • Mark (April 2020)
    • Luke
    • John
    • Acts (of the Apostles)
    • Romans
    • 1 Corinthians
    • 2 Corinthians
    • Galatians
    • Ephesians
    • Philippians
    • Colossians
    • 1 Thessalonians
    • 2 Thessalonians
    • 1 Timothy
    • 2 Timothy
    • Titus
    • Philemon
    • Hebrews
    • James
    • 1 Peter
    • 2 Peter
    • 1 John
    • 2 John
    • 3 John
    • Jude
    • Revelation
  • Go on a missionary trip abroad
  • Creative Goals
  • Get a photo printed in large
  • Get a printed photo framed
  • Get a printed photo framed somewhere other than my house
  • Skill Goals
  • Learn 5 songs on the piano
  • Complete a beginners 'Guitar Basics' class 21st April 2020
    Completed the Skillshare course 'Guitar Fundamentals' by Mike Boyd. A really simple, informative and clear course that has definitely sparked my interest in guitar.
  • Learn to play a worship song on the acoustic guitar Learnt First Song
    Finished the Skillshare course 'Guitar Fundamentals' by a great YouTuber, Mike Boyd. Learnt 'How Great is Our God' (31st March 2021).
  • Cook 10 new recipes In progress
    To improve my cooking and expand the meals I can cook, I thought it would be a good idea to cook 10 new recipes I've never tried before. Should also introduce me to new skills and tricks in cooking. So far I have cooked:
    1. Prawn toast
    2. Chicken nuggets
    3. Reggae Reggae Curry
    4. Carbonara
    5. Katsu Chicken Curry
    6. Steak and Kidney Pie
    7. Faggots w/ Mash and Onion Gravy
    8. BBQ Pulled Pork
    9. Chorizo Chowder
    10. Beef Bourguignon
  • Fun & Insane Goals
  • Go skydiving
  • Complete a Tough Mudder
  • Learn to ride a horse
  • Travel Goals
  • Wild-camp in the Lake District 1 night trip
    [add image]
    Hiked from Windermere Station accross to Coniston. Then pitched my tent at Wast Water (tarn high up on the 'Old Man of Coniston'). At 10pm as it was getting dark I had to 'evacuate' as I was in the clouds of a storm brewing- my tent could not handle it and nor could I. Scrambled down the slate mountainside to the YHA Hostel nearby. It was too late to get a room so precariously pitched my tent nearby- locals are more strict as it's land used for mining. Learnt a few lessons that trip...definitely be more prepared in terms of plan, weather, contingencies and gear.

    2 night trip
    Chris and I wild camped for 3 nights on our Cumbria Bike Packing trip (August 2020). The weather and limited light meant we had to camp at the base of Hardknock Pass (The Lake District). We then sneakily camped at Tarn Hows on the second night; probably my favourite camping spots in the UK...stunning!
  • Walk the Cumbrian Way
  • Visit Africa
  • Visit Asia
  • Longterm Goals
  • Live in another country